Thursday, July 8, 2010

Top notch answer from Americk Sidhu

read the reply here

"Let me tell you what an honourable man would have done. An honourable man would have vacated his seat and requested the electorate in his constituency to decide whether they would still support him even though he had betrayed them.

This you did not do, so in my book you are a dishonourable man. You are now a Member of Parliament under false pretences. You shouldn’t really be there because a Member of Parliament should be someone with integrity and honour, besides being legitimately elected by a majority of voters in that constituency.

As a dishonourable member of Parliament under false pretences who has betrayed the electorate he represents, I do not feel you are in a position moral or otherwise, to sanctimoniously criticize the actions of your past fellow ‘brothers-in-arms’ at the same time hiding behind the unholy alliance you have created for yourself with, what most right thinking members of Malaysian society consider to be, the devil incarnate."

Bulls-eye, and he hit it with such fluency with his words

Saturday, July 3, 2010

MACC a tied cow

Megat Najmuddin recently made a statement stating that the MACC was right not to go London.

and the reason?

"It is ridiculous to go over there. The process will involve a lot of cost and a waste of taxpayers' money"

Such ridiculous statement.

I would daresay that if there is any allegation at all by anyone on the Prime Minister (or any close associates to him), Malaysians would gladly support the use of public funds to investigate this matter.

In fact as an "independant" statutory body which was modeled after top corruption agencies such as the ICAC, and well scrutinized by 5 other independent bodies for the benefit of the public (namely the Anti-Corruption Advisory Board, the Special Committee on Corruption, the Complaints Committee, the Operations Review Panel, and the Corruption Consultation and Prevention Panel), shouldn't MACC kick its gear immediately and investigate a huge allegation that links our beloved Prime Minister and the First Lady to an extremely dramatic conspiracy?

YAB Datuk Seri Najib is the Prime Minister of Malaysia, and if there is an allegation against him which smears his name, the public would demand that his name be cleared first and that this case be placed as a top priority of the MACC.

Politicians, especially those who hold public office should be clean from top to bottom. It is the role of an anti corruption agency to not hold back in carrying out its duties. Simply falling back on lame excuses such as these will only (again) confirm the public's opinion that MACC simply only serve the interest of one master.